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PediaSwim Infant and Child Survival Swim

Moore County, NC


Acerca de Summit Swim

 Summit Swim se especializa en clases privadas de natación para niños desde los 6 meses hasta los 6 años de edad. Nuestro plan de estudios basado en la natación progresiva y el autorrescate ayudará a los niños a mantenerse seguros dentro y alrededor del agua.  La propietaria de Summit Swim, Liz Burkham, está decidida a compartir la importancia de la seguridad en el agua.  El enfoque individual en cada niño lo ayudará a aprender con éxito y mejorar sus habilidades durante cada lección.  Se ofrecen horarios flexibles e instrucción personalizada para satisfacer las necesidades de cada niño y familia.  ¡Contácteme cuando esté listo para programar la primera lección de su hijo!

Our Swim Lessons

Basic Training

The goal for swimmers is the ability to problem solve in the water no matter what the situation. 
Swimmers learn age appropriate swimming postures to allow them to swim facedown in the water, rotate onto their back to a floating position that enables them to rest and breathe, then return to a facedown swimming posture.


For optimal skill retention, children should continue lessons once or twice a week  in a Maintenance Program.  However, if your child has not had lessons in an extended period of time, a Refresher Course will ensure your child is the independent, confident swimmer he/she was at the end of the Basic Training Course.


If your child has not had lessons in an extended period of time, a Refresher Course will ensure your child is the independent, confident swimmer he/she was at the end of the Basic Training Course.


Siempre llevaré un "qué pasaría si" sobre la muerte de Harley. 

¿Y si no tuviéramos piscina?

¿Y si hubiera estado al tanto de las estadísticas de ahogamiento?

¿Y si tuviéramos instalado un portón o puerta con alarmas?

¿Y si lo hubiera puesto en clases de natación de supervivencia...


La última pregunta es la más difícil.  

El ahogamiento se puede prevenir y me imagino las cosas completamente diferentes si Harley tuviera las habilidades para salvarse en esa agua.

  • When can a child learn to swim?
    Once a child is crawling, usually between 6 months and 8 months, he can learn to swim between two people for fun and roll to a safe, balanced, secure float for safety. Once a child begins to crawl, they are at risk of finding an unguarded body of water and falling in. If they have learned how to behave in the water, they will roll to a float and calmly await rescue. Once a child is walking, usually between 12 months and 18 months, the swimmer can learn to swim float swim. A toddler can swim in the proper head down posture, with feet kicking at the surface, roll to a balanced float to rest and breathe, then flip back over to swim to safety. With practice, they can swim longer distances using the swim float swim sequence. Once a child is two or three years old, depending how early they began their aquatic education, she can begin Stroke Progression with instructor/facility who offers these lessons.
  • What is infant self rescue?
    PediaSwim teaches children self rescue, lifesaving skills in the water. Infant self rescue is the ability of an infant to roll over and float unassisted to rest and breathe until someone finds them. Children should learn to love swimming and we should teach the whole child, physically and mentally. Parent education is a huge part of teaching a baby. Children should continue their aquatic education to make sure survival skills stay sharp and the child stays confident in those skills.
  • What is toddler survival swimming?
    Once a child can walk, they are strong enough to flip from a float to swim back to safety. Toddlers can be taught to swim float swim and even begin stroke lessons. Research shows that early swimmers meet their developmental milestones earlier than their non-swimming counterparts.
  • How are lessons conducted?
    Our PediaSwim Course provides children with private lessons. The duration of the course depends on their previous swim experience. We begin where we end every lesson which will instill safety around the water. The course is cumulative, they will learn from the previous lesson. This is why a 5 day/week, 4-6 week commitment is so important to us. For parents… After handing your swimmer to me, grab a seat and cheer on your child’s progress. You will be invited into the pool once I am confident the child is ready to practice their new skills with you. This is typically in the second or third week of lessons.
  • Why are lessons only 10 minutes?
    Lessons are 10 minutes or 15 minutes based on age endurance. Lessons structure focuses on mastering survival swim skills, not just basic water acclimation. You will see that our lesson time is spent focusing on building the appropriate skills. While lesson times may seem short, they are designed to offer an individualized lesson of solid instruction while maintaining your swimmers attention span. Shorter lessons allow us to end instruction time with swimmers feeling positive about accomplishments without feeling fatigue. Short, consistent lessons are key in allowing your child to retain and master their skills in weeks, not months/years of lessons.
  • How long will my child need to take lessons?
    Every child progresses at a different rate. New swimmers, 4 years and younger, in the Basic Training program generally require 4-6 weeks of consecutive lessons to master their skills. Lessons are 5 days per week taught consecutively. Swimmers age 5 years and older generally require less time to complete Basic Training with consecutive lessons.
  • Are we allowed to stay and watch during lessons?
    YES! You are always welcome to stay and watch during lessons. Please keep in mind that if your child is still trying to develop trust with me, then it might be best to stay out of their line of sight, play on your phone, or cheer them on from your seat.
  • What should we bring?
    Please have your child wear a REUSABLE swim diaper without buttons or snaps, and please make sure it fits snug around the waste and legs. Also, bring two towels, a change of clothes, and a positive attitude. Your child will feed off of your energy, so please, sit back relax, and cheer them on.
  • What will the first week of lessons look like?
    The focus of week one is teaching your swimmer basic breath control, how to find the wall, and introduce proper swimming positions (facedown with forward movement through the water). The goal is to have safe, confident swimmers who are able to problem solve in the water.
  • What if my child cries?
    They more than likely will. This is a new experience for them. They need an opportunity to build trust with me and confidence in the water. When I put my daughter through PediaSwim, it was extremely difficult to watch and hear her cry for me. However, my feelings were set aside after seeing the progress from each lesson and setting the longterm goal as priority. That goal was for my second child to have this lifesaving skill. This may sound very direct, but I not only meet you with an instructor heart, but with a parent's heart as well. You and I need to be on the same team because as parent's, we set the tone for our child and their environment. I ask that you please cheer them on and show a strong supportive attitude during their lesson. My full attention will be on your swimmer, but their attention will be on you until they gain confidence in the water.
  • Do you offer make up lessons?
    No, I do cannot offer makeup lessons. Due to the fact the lessons are daily consecutive lessons, there are no extra days in the week for make-up lessons. If you are not able to make your specific time slot one day and I have a different time slot open that day, I am more than happy to move your lesson for the day. If lessons are cancelled by Summit Swim due to weather, facility or instructor issues, I will either re-schedule lessons or credit that lesson on your account.
  • Do you offer refunds?
    No, I do not offer refunds. Deposits for basic training can be rolled to a later session within the year. I ask for an upfront deposit that will cover the first 2 weeks for training, and then each following week must be paid in full before the start of the week.
  • Can you travel to us?
    I can offer discounted or free lessons for your children if you HOST Summit Swim at your pool! Travel and time will be discussed and arranged accordingly. Please fill out our host inquiry form here.


Para obtener más información o para programar una lección, siga el enlace a continuación para completar el formulario de consulta o envíenos un correo electrónico a

If you are interested in hosting Summit Swim at your home/location, please fill out the host form below.

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